- The power plants are equipped with very high efficient generating sets from well-known manufacturers; these generating sets fueled by natural gas with very high efficient combustion system along with very high efficient emission control system that can meet both Egyptian and European environmental standards for both CO, NOx and SOX.
Parameters Egyptian
environmental Law
environmental Law
Carbon Monoxide "CO" – mg/m3 100 100 35 Nitrogen Oxides "NOx'" - mg/m3 500 75 29 - The generating sets exhaust gas system is equipment with CO catalyst system in order to limit/ control CO emissions
- The generating sets exhaust gas system is equipment with 36-meter height Stacks.
Kahraba complies with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as we anchor our operations with high-quality outputs and efficient solutions.
We are committed to safe and environmentally conscious development, production, using natural gas as one of the least polluted solutions as a fuel, to benefit the overall health and well-being of our people.
To live up to this commitment, we use our capabilities and values to enhance the lives of our employees and people in society at large by encouraging teamwork and collaboration to enable employees to reach their full potential within Kahraba.
With long-term sustainability in mind, we plan to grow and develop the sectors in our portfolios ultimately benefiting our multiple stakeholders and achieving our long-term goals.
We strive to meet all standards of transparency within all our activities, providing timely information on matters addressed in a transparent and ethical manner.
1.Exhaust Gas Emissions Control:
- The machines halls are designed/ constructed with very highly efficient sound attenuation/ fire rated system from isolated double layers of sandwich panels.
- The plant exterior (outdoor of machines halls) components are deigned/ manufactured with sound attenuation system. (I.e.: ventilation fans, remote radiators, air intake ducts, exhaust duct silencers, etc.).
- The plant electrical/control buildings are constructed with isolated/ fire rated wall to reduce noise emitted from the machine’s rooms.
Area Inside Power Plant Actual Measurements
September 2021
environmental Limitations
Beside engine hall 74 dB(A) 85 dB(A) Control room 52 dB(A) 85 dB(A)
3.Safe disposal of used lubrication oils:
- Kahraba has a long-term agreement with a licensed/ certified agent for collecting used lubrication oil discharged from the machines for safe disposal/ recycling with the minimal environmental impact.
- Kahraba power plants are equipped with water-oily separators to separate/ collect oils from the machines water drainage system.
4.Safe disposal of solid and liquid hazard waste:
- Kahraba has a long-term agreement with a licensed/ certified agent for collecting all solid and liquid hazardous waste discharged from the machines to comply with Egyptian legal requirement and ISO 14001: 2015 (Environmental Management System).

- ISO 45000:2018 (occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system)
- ISO 9001/2015 (Quality management system)
- ISO14001/2015 (Environmental management system)
- ISO 50001:2018 (Energy Management system)

Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR):
Our Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) programs are actively working with local communities to solve the on- going challenges. We are devoted to being a key part of the community for decades to come, as our business helps developed local economies by creating jobs for locals, sourcing from local suppliers and upholding tax commitments. We have aided in the development of local projects that have solved the challenges in surrounding societies.

Health and Safety:
Safety of our employees is an integral part of Kahraba’s culture. We are committed to providing a safe working environment at every level of our business by implementing extensive safety procedures and policies in place onsite and within the community. Our team are briefed on an ongoing basis and assigned teams to carry out routine checks of on-site equipment and machinery to safety proof. Our employee’s health and safety are an integral part of our business, hence our investment into training and protocol procedures to make sure every employee is equipped with the training needed to handle potential hazards.

Licenses and Agreements:
The Egyptian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ERA) has provided Kahraba with the license to generate, distribute and sell electrical energy across Egypt According to a contract with the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC), Kahraba has the right to connect and use the National Electricity Grid to supply generated electricity to consumers all over Egypt.
18 Hassan El Razzaz St.Giza , Egypt